Christy wrote it down for me in a cultural intelligence class one day. I took a picture because it was something I didn’t want to forget. Never mind the topical, just save me the important stuff. Like the way you would memorize a person’s features, speech and mannerisms so you could keep them for later — occupying […]
Posted in Connective tissue, Inspiration, Language, Personal | No Comments »>To fur or not to fur? About a year ago, I placed the highest bid on eBay for this vintage fur coat from the 1960s. It was something that I mulled over for a while. Going back and forth in my head, trying to psyche myself into taking the snipe. Upon winning the […]
Posted in DIY, Inspiration, sewing, Style, style diary, TV | No Comments »>You know, when I met Jazzy it was my first day at the big, bad galleria. I remember walking into the cafeteria and it felt like high school all over again. Very clique-y with all the ate’s sharing their food along the corner booths. The jocks and bodybuilders were watching the game on t.v.. The […]
Posted in Connective tissue, Inspiration, Personal, Photography | 1 Comment »>I’m not finished.
Posted in Design, DIY, Funzies, Inspiration, Movies | No Comments »>Travel checklist: miniature sized shampoo and conditioner, lotion, hand cream, 3 step face cleansing/serum/moisturizer routine jammed into plastic sampling containers, sunscreen, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, deodorant, 4 changes of clothes and underwear including a set of pajamas, 1 pair nude skimmers, 1 pair black leather boots, a light read for the 7 hour plane ride, passport, […]
Posted in Adventures, Food, Funzies, Inspiration, Movies, Music, Personal, Photography, style diary | 12 Comments »> « Previous Entries