Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

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Hey, Been Tryin’ to Meet You

by Valerie on Monday, March 26, 2012

Two years ago, I started this blog as a supplement to my Etsy store. I had just completed Dressmaking and Design courses and that itch to create something new everyday was more like an infectious disease that overtook my entire being, 28 days later style. Flash forward to the now–where a second job, relationships and […]

Posted in Connective tissue, Funzies, Music, Personal | 1 Comment »>

Monday Bloody Monday

by Valerie on Monday, February 6, 2012

“Girls are complicated beings” Francis says. “But with you sometimes it’s scientific–like clockwork. Like when you get emotional, I already know why.” I like this song.

Posted in Connective tissue, Music, Personal | No Comments »>

Weekend in Hong Kong

by Valerie on Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Travel checklist: miniature sized shampoo and conditioner, lotion, hand cream, 3 step face cleansing/serum/moisturizer routine jammed into plastic sampling containers, sunscreen, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, deodorant, 4 changes of clothes and underwear including a set of pajamas, 1 pair nude skimmers, 1 pair black leather boots, a light read for the 7 hour plane ride, passport, […]

Posted in Adventures, Food, Funzies, Inspiration, Movies, Music, Personal, Photography, style diary | 12 Comments »>

Friends from Afar

by Valerie on Friday, December 10, 2010

Hi! Valerie, Thank you for your mail and finishing the dress so fast. Can’t wait to wear the beautiful dress! By the way, you live in Guam!!! No wonder some background of your photos is so beautiful. My little sister is going to have a wedding in Guam this October. So excited to visit Guam! […]

Posted in Fashion, Funzies, Personal | 6 Comments »>

Life Needs Frosting

by Valerie on Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Francis has been going on about Cinnabon ever since I let him try one last week. While we’re having our morning coffee he says, “This would be so good with Cinnabon.” After dinner he puts his fork down and says, “You know what I’m craving for dessert right now? Cinnabon.” On the couch I am […]

Posted in Food, Personal | 4 Comments »>
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